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Is New Smyrna Beach Open?


These days I get more calls asking, is New Smyrna Beach open? Simply because ramps are commonly closed and parking is challenge.

There’s any easy way to check if New Smyrna Beach is open to driving today! You can download the Volusia County Beaches mobile app for visit here for ramp closures and lifeguard tower locations:

It’s important to note that ramps may close at any time due to the beach being at capacity or tidal conditions. Typically in New Smyrna Beach, the last ramp to close is Beachway Avenue. This is primarily due to the beach being less tide effected than parts of the southern end of NSB where seawalls are prevalent and therefore allow for little to no room during the high tide because of prolonged beach erosion. Always check the tide and surf conditions before heading to the beach to avoid the hassle of coming all this way only to discover ramps are closed all day and conditions are not drivable.





New Smyrna Beach(Post created during 2020 lockdown)

The beach in New Smyrna Beach is currently open to exercise activity only. All public parking areas are closed. Beach patrons may engage in the exercise activities listed below, and yes Beach Safety is enforcing. Although fishing is on the list of permitted activities, Volusia County is well aware of patrons attempting to “fake fish” so they can have chairs and a cooler. Beach Safety officers will be checking for salt water fishing licenses if you are seen fishing on the beach. Per the recent county meeting, Beach Safety advised, they DO NOT need probable cause to check fishing licenses. Furthermore, DO NOT ABUSE THE RIGHTS WE’VE BEEN GIVEN!! Volusia County has been one of very few counties to be so gracious as to allow residents to exercise in fresh salt air, recognizing that social distancing is pertinent, and we are able to maintain safe distances from one and other on the beach.

On another note, we understand your kids need to get out of the house and run around, but kids not engaging in exercise or parents sitting watching kids play is not permitted. You may engage in exercise with your children, join them boogie boarding the water, run with them, surf with them, and so on. PLEASE WE COURTEOUS AND DO NOT RUIN WHAT LITTLE FREEDOM WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN.

Permitted activities:

*Running and walking
*Surfing (at your own risk)
*Swimming (at your own risk)
*Fishing- licensed recreational and commercial fishing only
*Yoga (non group)

Non permitted activities:

*Fishing without a license
*Building sandcastles

THE BOTTOM LINE: Use common sense, exercise, and do not abuse the system.

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